The II Workshop on Scientific Initiation and Graduation (II WTG), event of the Brazilian Symposium on Computer Networks and Distributed Systems (SBRC), aims to promote the participation of undergraduate students and recent graduates in the production and dissemination of papers related issues in the areas of computer networks and distributed systems. Participants will find an environment conducive to the discussion of their scientific findings. Authors are invited to submit papers that include partial results and final results of their scientific and technological research, including Scientific Initiation (CI) works, completion of course work (TCC), software implementations and independent projects.
Subjects of Interest
- The non-exhaustive list of topics of interest includes:
- Distributed Algorithms (projects and applications)
- Applications in networks
- Architecture and characterization of networks and services
- Smart Cities
- Intensive data computation (Big Data), and data mining and analysis
- Cloud computing, cloud computing and service-oriented
- Mobile Computing
- Ubiquitous, pervasive and context-sensitive computing
- Blockchain
- Crowdsourcing
- Detection and prevention of anomalies and attacks
- Performance, Scalability and Reliability
- Engineering and traffic control
- Specification, validation and verification of protocols
- Network management, operation, design and analysis
- Identity, address and location management
- Internet of things and cyberphysical systems
- Internet of the future
- Tactile Internet
- Measurement and monitoring of networks
- Middleware
- Cross-layer optimization
- Quality of services (QoS) and experience (QoE)
- Autonomic and self-organizing networks
- Information-centric networks
- Data center networking (Data Center Networking)
- Software Defined Networks
- Networks of cognitive radios
- Sensor Networks
- Mobile networks
- Optical networks
- P2P Networks and Systems
- Infrastructure Wireless Networks
- Social networks (online, mobile and pervasive)
- Delay / interrupt tolerant networks
- Manned and unmanned vehicular networks
- Green networking
- Routing, switching and addressing
- Security in networks and distributed systems
- Web Services
- Simulation and emulation of networks
- Distributed systems (autonomic, multimedia, real-time)
- Distributed operating systems
- Smart Grids
- Interactive and Digital TV Networks and Applications
- Fault Tolerance and Resilience
- Virtualization of network functions
- Network Virtualization
Instructions for Authors
Submission of paper will be exclusively electronic, through the JEMS system.. Paper can be written in Portuguese or English, only in PDF format. Each paper is limited to * 8 (eight) pages *, including abstract (and abstract for articles in Portuguese), figures, diagrams, references and attachments. Paper must be formatted following the model of SBC articles, available at
Papers will be reviewed by the WTG Program Committee, and selected papers will be organized for presentation and publication in the annals of the event. At least one of the authors of each selected article must enroll in the SBRC and the WTG and attend the event to present their work. Each article must have at least two authors, being: (1) undergraduate or recent graduate student (having graduated in 2018); and (2) teacher responsible for the work.
Best Paper Award
The Program Committee will announce during the event the best II WTG 2019 articles, which will be certified.
Important Dates
- Registration and submission of articles: 26/03/2019
- Notification of results: 10/04/2019
- Submission of the final version: 15/04/2019
Organization Committee
Coordinators of the II WTG 2019
- Lourenço Alves Pereira Júnior, ITA
- Rodolfo Ipolito Menegette, IFSP-Catanduva
Technical Program Committee
- Bruno Kimura (UNIFESP)
- Luiz Fernando Bittencourt (UNICAMP)
- Daniel Fernandes Macedo (UFMG)
- Lásaro Jonas Camargo (UFU)
- André Drummond (UnB)
- Alex Borges (UFJF)
- Daniel Macêdo Batista (IME-USP)
- Luis Hideo Vasconcelos Nakamura (IFSP-Catanduva)
- Roberto Rigolin Ferreira Lopes (Fraunhofer FKIE)
- Silvana Rossetto (UFRJ)
- Luiz Filipe M Vieira (UFMG)
- Danielo G. Gomes (UFC)
- Edmundo Madeira (UNICAMP)
- Michele Nogueira (UFPR)
- Daniel Guidoni (UFSJ)
- Kelvin Lopes Dias (UFPE)
- Jussara Almeida (UFMG)
- Luis Carlos De Bona (UFPR)
- Roberto Sadao Yokoyama (UTFPR)
- Gustavo Bittencourt Figueiredo (UFBA)
- Alberto Egon Schaeffer-Filho (UFRGS)
- Tiago Coelho Ferreto (PUC-RS)